Redirection operators > and >> can write into a file or a device.
- > will overwrite existing file or crate a new file
- >> will append text to existing file or create a new file
Example: redirecting command output into a file
$ touch temp.txt
$ echo "Hello, world!" > temp.txt
$ cat temp.txt
Hello, world!
$ echo "Hello, world!" > temp.txt
$ cat temp.txt
Hello, world!
$ echo "Hello, world!" >> temp.txt
$ cat temp.txt
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Here are examples where redirect operators crated new files:
$ echo "Hello, world!" > temp2.txt
$ cat temp2.txt
Hello, world!
$ echo "Hello, world!" >> temp3.txt
$ cat temp3.txt
Hello, world!
1 - stdout (standard output)
2 - stderr (error message output)
Example: discarding command output messages (including error messages)
command > /dev/null 2>$1
2>$1 redirects stderr into stdout and > /dev/null redirects stdout into null device.
More compact version of the above line is:
command &> /dev/null
&> /dev/null redirects both stdout and stderr into null device.
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