Sunday 28 April 2024

Introduction to Kubernetes

These are custom notes that extend my notes from an Udemy course "Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on". All course content rights belong to course creators. 


Web Applications are nowadays developed with containerisation on mind as containers contain everything that is needed to run the application: code, runtime, databases, system libraries, etc.

Kubernetes (k8s) is:
  • Platform for managing application containers (containerised applications, container-oriented applications, containerized workloads and services) across multiple hosts (one or more host clusters)
  • The easiest and the most recommended way to manage containers in production
  • It makes it easy to orchestrate many containers on many hosts, scale them as microservices, and easily deploy, rollouts and rollbacks
  • a set of APIs that we can use to deploy containers on a set of nodes called a cluster. 
  • We can describe a set of applications and how they should interact with each other, and Kubernetes determines how to make that happen
  • Workload scheduler with focus on containerized applications.
  • Container orchestration technology -  system for automating the operations and management of application containers in complex, multi-container workloads:
    • Container creation
    • Container deployment
    • Rolling deployment *)
    • Auto-scaling
    • Load balancing
    • Container health monitoring
    • Compute resource management
    • Volume management
    • Persistent storage
    • Networking
    • High availability by cluster federation
  • Open-source
  • Originally designed by Google, based upon their running of containers in production. Now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  • Supports hosting enhanced and complex applications on various kinds of architectures; it is designed to run anywhere:
    • on a bare metal
    • in our data center
    • on the public cloud - supported on any cloud platform; it is platform-agnostic and integrates with a number of different cloud providers, allowing us to pick the platform that best suits our needs
    • on the hybrid cloud
  • 2 steps involved in scheduling container on a Kubernetes cluster:
    • Provisioning somewhere the Kubernetes cluster with all its components
    • Defining the Kubernetes resources, such as Deployments, Services, etc.
  • With Kubernetes:
    • we can decide when our containers should run
    • increase, or decrease the size of application containers
    • check the resource consumption of our application deployments
  • To save time and effort when scaling applications and workloads, Kubernetes can be bootstrapped using:
    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
    • Google Kubernetes engine (GKE)

*) Rolling deployment:
  • A deployment strategy that slowly replaces previous versions of an application with new versions of an application by completely replacing the infrastructure on which the application is running;
  • It is renowned for its ability to update applications without downtime. Incrementally updating nodes or replicas ensures that the service remains available to users throughout the deployment process)
  • Rolling deployments use the concept of a window size—this is the number of servers that are updated at any given time. For example, if a Kubernetes cluster is running 10 instances of an application (10 pods), and you want to update two of them at a time, you can perform a rolling deployment with a window size of 2.

To revise our knowledge on containers, let's read Introduction to Containers.

Deploying containers on nodes by using a wrapper around one or more containers is what defines a pod. A pod is the smallest unit in Kubernetes that you can create or deploy. It represents a running process on your cluster as either a component of your application or an entire app. Generally, you only have one container per pod, but if you have multiple containers with a hard dependency, you can package them into a single pod and share networking and storage resources between them. The pod provides a unique network IP and set of ports for your containers, and configurable options that govern how your containers should run. 

One way to run a container in a pod in Kubernetes is to use the kubectl run command, which starts a deployment with a container running inside a pod. 

A deployment represents a group of replicas of the same pod and keeps your pods running even when the nodes they run on fail. A deployment could represent a component of an application or even an entire app. 

To see a list of the running pods in your project, run the command, kubectl get pods

Kubernetes creates a service with a fixed IP address for our pods. And a controller says, I need to attach an external load balancer with a public IP address to that service so others outside the cluster can access it. 

In GKE, the load balancer is created as a network load balancer. Any client that reaches that IP address will be routed to a pod behind the service. 

A service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them. As deployments create and destroy pods, pods will be assigned their own IP addresses, but those addresses don't remain stable over time. 

A service group is a set of pods and provides a stable endpoint or fixed IP address for them. For example, if you create two sets of pods called frontend and backend, and put them behind their own services, the backend pods might change, but frontend pods are not aware of this. They simply refer to the backend service. 

To scale a deployment run the kubectl scale command. In this example, three pods are created in your deployment, and they're placed behind the service and share one fixed IP address. You could also use autoscaling with other kinds of parameters. For example, you can specify that the number of pods should increase when CPU utilization reaches a certain limit. 

So far, we've seen how to run imperative commands like expose and scale. This works well to learn and test Kubernetes step by step. But the real strength of Kubernetes comes when you work in a declarative way. 

Instead of issuing commands, you provide a configuration file that tells Kubernetes what you want your desired state to look like, and Kubernetes determines how to do it. You accomplish this by using a deployment config file. You can check your deployment to make sure the proper number of replicas is running, by using either kubectl get deployments or kubectl describe deployments. To run five replicas instead of three, al you do is update the deployment config file and run the kubectl apply command to use the updated config file. 

You can still reach your endpoint as before by using kubectl get services to get the external IP of the service and reach the public IP address from a client. 

The last question is, what happens when you want to update a new version of your app? Well, you want to update your container to get new code in front of users, but rolling out all those changes at one time would be risky. So in this case, you would use kubectl rollout or change your deployment configuration file and then apply the change using kubectl apply. New pods will then be created according to your new update strategy. Here's an example configuration that will create new version pods individually and wait for a new pod to be available before destroying one of the old pods.

Container Orchestration

Applications run in their own containers. 

What if one application depends on another e.g. web server, running in one container, depends on the DB running in another container? 
What if the number of users increases and we need to scale out our application
How to scale down when the load decreases?
How to build services across multiple machines without dealing with cumbersome network and storage settings? 
How to manage and roll out our microservices by different service cycle?

We should have an underlying platform that takes care of these dependencies and scaling. This process of deploying and managing containers is called container orchestration.

Container orchestration technologies:
  • Docker Swarm
    • easy to set up
    • lacks advanced features
  • Kubernetes (Google)
    • most popular
    • difficult to set up
    • has lots of options to support deployments of complex architecture setups
    • supported on all main public cloud service providers like GCP, Azure, AWS
  • Mesos (Apache)
    • difficult to set up
    • has advanced features
Kubernetes advantages:
  • Used to deploy and manage hundreds or thousands of containers in a clustered environment
  • Kubernetes is designed with high availability (HA). We have multiple instances of our application running on different nodes so hardware failures on some nodes won't impact the availability. We are able to create multiple master nodes from preventing single point of failure. 
  • Traffic is load balanced across multiple containers.
  • Scaling is done by scaling the number of containers running on a single host but also increasing the number of hosts (hardware scaling) if processing demands reach maximum thresholds on existing nodes.
  • The lifetime of containers might be short. They may be killed or stopped anytime when they exceed the limit of resource, how do we ensure our services always serve a certain number of containers? ReplicationController or ReplicaSet in Kubernetes will ensure a certain number of group of containers are up. 
  • Kubernetes even supports liveness probe to help you define your application health.
  • For better resource management, we can also define the maximum capacity on Kubernetes nodes and the resource limit for each group of containers (a.k.a pod). Kubernetes scheduler will then select a node that fulfills the resource criteria to run the containers. 
  • Kubernetes provides an optional horizontal pod auto-scaling feature. With this feature, we could scale a pod horizontally by resource or custom metrics.
  • Perfect match for microservices where it helps their CD (Continuous Delivery). We can create a Deployment to rollout, rollover, or roll back selected containers. 
  • Containers are considered as ephemeral - they can quickly and/or often die. We can mount the volume into a container to preserve the data in a single host world. In the cluster world, a container might be scheduled to run on any host. Kubernetes Volumes and Persistent Volumes make the volume mounting work as permanent storage seamlessly.
  • This is all achieved with the set of declarative object configuration files.

Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes system is divided into:
  • a set of primary components that run as the control plane
  • a set of nodes that run containers. In Kubernetes, a node represents a computing instance like a machine. Note that this is different to a node on Google Cloud, which is a virtual machine running in computer engine

  • Node (worker node, minion)
    • machine, physical or virtual, on which Kubernetes is installed
    • worker machine on which containers will be launched by Kubernetes; workers run containers
    • if node fails, our application will go down => we need to have more nodes
  • Cluster
    • Set of nodes grouped together
    • Even if one node fails, application is still accessible from other nodes
    • Having multiple nodes also helps sharing the load
    • Kubernetes cluster consists of two types of nodes, master nodes and worker nodes. 
  • Master (master node)
    • responsible for managing the cluster
    • controls and schedules all activities in the cluster
    • stores the information about all members of the cluster
    • monitors nodes
    • when node fails, moves workload of the failed node to other worker nodes
    • Master is a node with Kubernetes installed on it and is configured as a master node
    • Master watches over the nodes in the cluster and is responsible for orchestration of containers on the worker nodes
    • Master nodes host the K8s control plane components. The master node will hold configuration and state data used to maintain the desired state.

When we install Kubernetes on the host, we install multiple components on it.

There are two types of nodes/servers: master and worker. And there is a set of components that make up Kubernetes. How are these components distributed across different types of servers? How does one server become a master and the other the slave? 

master (controller) server (node):
  • API Server (kube-apiserver | Kubernetes
    • this is what makes node a master
    • provides REST API and acts as the front end of Kubernetes cluster
    • users, management devices, command line interfaces talk to it in order to interact with Kubernetes cluster 
  • etcd service
    • All the information gathered are stored in a key value store based on the popular etcd framework
    • name is the abbreviation of Experimental Distributed Tracing Service (?) 
    • key store
    • distributed reliable key-value store used by Kubernetes to store all data used to manage the cluster
    • when we have multiple nodes and multiple masters in the cluster, etcd stores all that information on all the nodes in the cluster in the distributed manner
    • responsible for implementing locks within the cluster to ensure there are no conflicts between the masters
  • Controller Manager (kube-controller-manager | Kubernetes)
    • brain behind the orchestration
    • responsible for noticing and responding when nodes, containers or endpoints go down
    • make decisions to bring up new containers in such cases
  • Scheduler (kube-scheduler | Kubernetes)
    • responsible for distributing work of containers across multiple nodes
    • it looks for newly created containers and assigns them to nodes
Master components
(credit: DevOps with Kubernetes by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee and Cheng-Yang Wu)

(I/F = Interface)

This article describes well the control plane of the master node:

API Server and its clients
(image credit: Rini Thomas; source:

All communications and operations between the control plane components and external clients, such as kubectl (see Introduction to kubectl), are translated into RESTful API calls that are handled by the API server. 
Effectively, the API server is a RESTful web application that processes RESTful API calls over HTTP to store and update API objects in the etcd datastore.   
Control Plane on the master/controller node(s) consists of the API server, controller manager, and scheduler.  
API server is the central management entity and the only component that talks directly with the distributed storage component etcd. 
 API server has the following core responsibilities:
  • To serve the Kubernetes APIThis API is used :
    • cluster-internally by the:
      • master components 
      • worker nodes
      • our Kubernetes-native apps
    • externally by clients such as kubectl
  • To proxy cluster components, such as the Kubernetes dashboard, or to stream logs, service ports, or serve kubectl exec sessions.  
Serving the API means:
  • Reading state: getting single objects, listing them, and streaming changes
  • Manipulating state: creating, updating, and deleting objects.  
kubectl command is translated into an HTTP API request in JSON format and is sent to the API server. Then, the API server returns a response to the client, along with any requested information.  
API server is stateless (that is, its behavior will be consistent regardless of the state of the cluster) and is designed to scale horizontally. Usually, for the high availability of clusters, it is recommended to have at least three instances to handle the load and fault tolerance better.  


API Server internal processes 
(image credit: Rini Thomas; source:


worker node (minion):
  • is where the containers are hosted e.g. Docker containers. 
  • kubelet service (agent) [kubelet | Kubernetes]
    • the agent that runs on each node in the cluster
    • interacts with a master to provide health information of the worker node and carry out actions requested by the master on the worker nodes
    • makes sure that containers are running as expected
  • Container Runtime 
    • underlying software required for running containers on a system
    • Container Runtime can be be Docker, rkt or CRI-O
    • in our case it's Docker but there are other options as well 

Node components 
(credit: DevOps with Kubernetes by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee and Cheng-Yang Wu)

On both master and worker nodes runs kube-proxy | Kubernetes.

Understanding what components constitute the master and worker nodes will help us install and configure the right components on different systems when we set up our infrastructure. 


What is a worker machine in Kubernetes known as?
A Node in Kubernetes can only be a physical machine and can never be a virtual machine.
Multiple nodes together form what?
Which of the following processes runs on Kubernetes Master Node?
Which of the following is a distributed reliable key-value store used by kubernetes to store all data used to manage the cluster?
Which of the following services is responsible for distributing work or containers across multiple nodes.  
Which of the following is the underlying framework that is responsible for running application in containers like Docker?
Which is the command line utility used to manage a kubernetes cluster?

Why do we need Kubernetes?

  • Let's for a moment keep Kubernetes out of our discussion and talk about simple Docker containers. Let's assume we were developing a process or a script to deploy our application on a Docker host. Then we would first simply deploy our application using a simple docker run command, and the application runs fine and our users are able to access it:
    • docker run python-app
  • When the load increases, we deploy more instances of our application by running the docker run commands many more times: 
    • docker run python-app --name app1
    • docker run python-app --name app2
    • docker run python-app --name app3
    • docker run python-app --name app4
  • Sometime in the future our application is further developed, undergoes architectural changes and grows and gets complex. We now have a new helper container that helps our web application by processing or fetching data from elsewhere (NOTE: --link is a legacy option for docker run; it is recommend using user-defined networks to facilitate communication between two containers instead of using --link; see Legacy container links | Docker Docs):
    • docker run helper --link app1
    • docker run helper --link app2
    • docker run helper --link app3
    • docker run helper --link app4
  • These helper containers maintain a 1 to 1 relationship with our application container and thus needs to communicate with the application containers directly and access data from those containers. For this, we need to (manually):
    • maintain a map of what app and helper containers are connected to each other
    • establish network connectivity between these containers ourselves using links and custom networks
    • create shareable volumes and share it among the containers. We would need to maintain a map of that as well. 
    • monitor the state of the application container
      • When it dies, manually kill the helper container as well as it's no longer required.
      • When a new container is deployed, we would need to deploy the new helper container as well with pods.
  • Kubernetes does all of this for us automatically. We just need to define what containers a pod consists of and the containers in a pod by default will have access to the same storage, the same network namespace and same fate as in they will be created together and destroyed together.
  • Even if our application didn't happen to be so complex and we could live with a single container, Kubernetes still requires you to create pods, but this is good in the long run as your application is now equipped for architectural changes and scale in the future.
  • However, multi-containers pods are a rare use case. Single containers per pod is the most common use case.
To learn more about pods, please read the next article in this series: Kubernetes Pods | My Public Notepad

Kubernetes Cloud-native Application Architecture

Typical cloud-native application architecture consists of 3-tiers:
  • frontend e.g. Nginx
  • backend e.g. Wordpress
  • persistence (database) e.g. MariaDB

We define and create multiple resources for each of these tiers in Kubernetes:

source: Get Started with Bitnami Charts using Minikube


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