For a very long time, if you wanted to flash your Jetson TX and install JetPack SDK you had to download and install NVIDIA JetPack and later, NVIDIA SDK Manager, on the Linux host computer first. Every package installation pollutes your host machine and also takes some disk space. To avoid this, NVIDA created a Docker image with SDK Manager so once JetPack is installed on Jetson, this Docker image can be deleted and your Linux host remains in the same state as before. This has been available since NVIDIA SDK Manager 1.4 (December 2020).
I had some of the older versions of JetPack installed on my Jetson TX2 and I wanted to install the most recent one (4.4.1 at the moment; 4.5 is announced for January 2021). One of the benefits I wanted to get is the upgrading to the next JetPack release via apt package management tool (this has been available since JetPack 4.4).
I want to share here my experience with the process of running NVIDIA SDK Manager Docker container and flashing the Jetson TX2 with it. I followed the official documentation about this process: Docker Images :: NVIDIA SDK Manager Documentation.
I logged in to NVIDIA Developer center and downloaded this Docker image from this URL: The image came as an 942MB archive named sdkmanager-
$ docker load -i ./sdkmanager-
805802706667: Loading layer 65.61MB/65.61MB
3fd9df553184: Loading layer 15.87kB/15.87kB
7a694df0ad6c: Loading layer 3.072kB/3.072kB
2f694c79b042: Loading layer 148.2MB/148.2MB
26765aed7e25: Loading layer 502.3kB/502.3kB
b398b8335e67: Loading layer 6.015MB/6.015MB
08b68150484c: Loading layer 1.135MB/1.135MB
31fbfacf550e: Loading layer 1.135MB/1.135MB
84979f95b15f: Loading layer 502.3kB/502.3kB
cd9205d2e1f9: Loading layer 2.075MB/2.075MB
414d8a00c66e: Loading layer 66.07MB/66.07MB
cc3271f36011: Loading layer 84.83MB/84.83MB
5072b3ebcb77: Loading layer 2.108MB/2.108MB
38be13d541b9: Loading layer 1.781MB/1.781MB
ff63398d24ea: Loading layer 99.17MB/99.17MB
7cb4d04a8659: Loading layer [==================================================>] 462.3MB/462.3MB
cd2c9f6e22b0: Loading layer [==================================================>] 2.048kB/2.048kB
65cd593db96f: Loading layer [==================================================>] 3.584kB/3.584kB
8900dbcf5626: Loading layer [==================================================>] 3.584kB/3.584kB
9ac46abadb31: Loading layer [==================================================>] 3.072kB/3.072kB
a20c9aaeb9c3: Loading layer [==================================================>] 417.3kB/417.3kB
cae1bf65143a: Loading layer [==================================================>] 3.584kB/3.584kB
Loaded image: sdkmanager:
As this is the latest version of this Docker image, I tagged it with the latest tag:
$ docker tag sdkmanager: sdkmanager:latest
I made sure that the image is listed among other Docker images on my machine:
$ docker images
sdkmanager 0e9d62e318ad 2 weeks ago 913MB
sdkmanager latest 0e9d62e318ad 2 weeks ago 913MB
SDK Manager executable (sdkmanager) is the entrypoint of this Docker image and I wanted to test the Docker image by running it with some simple CLI commands listed here.
$ docker run -it --rm sdkmanager --help
NVIDIA SDK Manager is an all-in-one tool that bundles developer software and
provides an end-to-end development environment setup solution for NVIDIA
General Options
-h, --help Displays this usage guide.
--ver Output the version of the installed SDK Manager client
--settings Optional. Configure SDK Manager settings in the terminal.
--query interactive|noninteractive Prints all options available for the user. Must be executed with the --use or --offline settings
--showallversions Prints all available product versions for the user.
--logs Optional. Set this option to export the log files when the process is complete.
--exitonfinish Optional. Automatically exit from SDK Manager when the install/uninstall session is finished (skip user input). Intended for scripts/automation usage.
--user email_address Optional. Set the user email to login. Valid only for NVOnline login.
--password string Optional. Set the user login password. Valid only for NVOnline login.
--logintype devzone|nvonline Optional. Login with or account. Default is devzone.
--staylogin true|false Optional. Keep the user account logged-in for next running session.
--logout Logout user account from SDK Manager.
--offline Optional. Skip login to NVIDIA servers. Install SDK from pre downloaded location, used with --downloadfolder option.
--downloadfolder string Optional. Set the download folder for the SDK components. Used for downloading the files and for locating the SDK components when using --offline.
--archivedversions Optional. Display only archived versions.
--cli install|uninstall|downloadonly Mandatory. Set the requested action.
--sudopassword string Optional. Set the sudo password to skip the authentication prompt.
--datacollection enable|disable Optional. Set to enable or disalbe usage data collection.
Specific arguments for install/uninstall:
--product product_name Mandatory. Set the product name.
--version string Mandatory. Set the product version. Use --query to get available version values.
--targetos target_os Mandatory. Set the target hardware operating system.
--host Optional. Set if host side components need to be installed.
--target target_hardware Optional. Set the target hardware in use. Use hardware code name.
--flash all|a|b|ab|skip Optional. Set the flash operation mode, which of the Tegras should be flashed.
--additionalsdk additional_sdk_title Optional. Specify any additional SDK to install. Multiple entries are allowed.
--select section_or_group_title Optional. Specify section or group to installation list. Multiple entries are allowed.
--deselect section_or_group_title Optional. Specify section or group to exclude from installation list. Multiple entries are allowed.
--license accept Optional. Set this option to accept the terms and conditions of SDK license agreements.
--targetimagefolder string Optional. Set the host location of the target hardware image for flashing.
--responsefile string Optional. Set the response file path. Response file samples can be found in the product folder /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager.
$ sdkmanager [--user] [--query]
$ sdkmanager [--cli install|uninstall|downloadonly] [cli options] ...
$ sdkmanager [--settings]
$ sdkmanager [--help]
$ docker run -it --rm sdkmanager --ver
I connected Jetson TX2 to my Ubuntu host via USB cable and put Jetson into forced recovery mode (as described here: Jetson_X2_Developer_Kit_User_Guide.pdf).
I checked that Jetson is listed among other USB devices:
$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0955:7c18 NVIDIA Corp. APX
I then run a query command on SDK manager to get a list of available install options:
$ docker run -it --rm sdkmanager --query
To initiate login process open in a browser (can be done on a different machine) and login with your NVIDIA Developer account. SDK Manager will start once done.
Login user code: 36223035. (valid for: 10 minutes).
? SDK Manager is waiting for you to complete login.
1) Generate a new login user code
2) Cancel login
Waiting for user information from NVIDIA authentication server...
Retrieving user information...
Loading and processing available products...
Login succeeded.
Loading user information...
User information loaded successfully.
Loading server data...
Server data loaded successfully.
Available options are:
Jetson 4.4
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P2888-0001 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P2888-0004 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P2888-0006 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P2888-0060 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3668-0000 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3668-0001 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3310-1000 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3489-0080 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3489-0888 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3489-0000 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P2180-1000 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3448-0000 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3448-0002 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --host --target P3448-0020 --flash all --additionalsdk DeepStream
Query completed.
I was not sure which target I should choose so I used table from NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide : Introduction | NVIDIA Docs to check the P-number of my Jetson TX2 and it was P3310-1000.
It was now the time to do the main part of the job. As a guide, I looked at the docker run command example used for flashing Jetson Nano (listed here: Docker Images :: NVIDIA SDK Manager Documentation) and modified it for Jetson TX2:
$ docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb/ --name JetPack_TX2_Devkit sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --target P3310-1000 --targetos Linux --version 4.4.1 --flash all --license accept --staylogin true --datacollection enable --exitonfinish
To initiate login process open in a browser (can be done on a different machine) and login with your NVIDIA Developer account. SDK Manager will start once done.
Login user code: 61234563. (valid for: 10 minutes).
? SDK Manager is waiting for you to complete login.
1) Generate a new login user code
2) Cancel login
Waiting for user information from NVIDIA authentication server...
Retrieving user information...
Loading and processing available products...
Login succeeded.
Loading user information...
User information loaded successfully.
Loading server data...
Server data loaded successfully.
Session initialized...
Installation of this software is under the terms and conditions of the license agreements located in /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/Eula/
- Drivers for Jetson: Installed
- File System and OS: Installed
- Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: Installed
- Flash Jetson TX2: Installed
- Device Mode Host Setup in Target SDK: Installed
- DateTime Target Setup: Installed
- CUDA Toolkit for L4T: Installed
- cuDNN on Target: Installed
- TensorRT on Target: Installed
- OpenCV on Target: Installed
- VisionWorks on Target: Installed
- VPI on Target: Installed
- NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta): Installed
- Multimedia API: Installed
===== Installation completed successfully - Total 14 components =====
===== 14 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped =====
...and after some typical Ubuntu setup steps, we can see something like this:
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