Pingdom | Site24x7 | Note |
Check | (Website) Monitor | |
Name of check | Display Name | |
URL/IP | Web page URL | |
Check interval | Check Frequency | Default is 1 minute in both |
Test from | Monitoring Locations | |
Port | N/A for Website Monitors but is available for e.g. Port Monitor (Custom Protocol) | If the website url starts with http://, port 80 is used; if https:// port 443 is used. |
User name | Web Credentials | |
Password | Web Credentials | |
Check for string: Should contain | Should contain string(s) | Pingdom: If this text is missing from the page, the site will be considered as down. Site24x7 offers flagging this as Trouble or Down. Provide a space-separated list of strings, all of which must be present in the response. Specify each string within double quotes. Example: {"status":"ok"} needs to be entered as {\"status\":\"ok\"} In Terraform: "\"{\\\"status\\\":\\\"ok\\\"}\"" |
Check for string: Should not contain | Should not contain string(s) | Site24x7 offers flagging this as Trouble or Down |
N/A | Case sensitive | |
N/A | Should match regular expression | Site24x7 offers flagging this as Trouble or Down |
N/A | Should contain HTTP Response Header(s) | Site24x7 offers flagging this as Trouble or Down |
POST data | HTTP Method = POST
Send data to website via POST method, one per line. Eg.j_username=joe | |
N/A | HTTP Method:
| |
Request headers | HTTP Request Headers | |
N/A (included in Req. headers) | User Agent | |
Authentication Method | Basic / NTLM OAuth Web Token | |
N/A | Client Certificate | Only PKCS #12 files are supported |
N/A | Query Authoritative Name Server | |
N/A | Force Domain / IP Addresses | |
N/A | Accepted HTTP Status Codes | |
N/A | Follow HTTP Redirection | |
Monitor SSL/TLS certificate | Trust the Server SSL Certificate | |
N/A | SSL Protocol | SSL version |
N/A | HTTP Protocol | HTTP version |
N/A | Enable ALPN | |
Consider down prior to certificate expiring | ||
Use IPv6 | Prefer IPv6 | |
Connection Timeout (e.g. 10 secs) (socket connection) | ||
Monitor Groups | ||
Dependent on Monitor | ||
Tags | ||
IT Automation Templates | ||
Execute IT Automation during Scheduled Maintenance |
Pingdom | Site24x7 | Note |
Alerting Settings (within Check settings) | Threshold Profile (referenced in Monitor) | |
N/A | Monitor Type (e.g. Website) | |
N/A | Display Name | |
(Pingdom uses 1 Second Opinion probe server) | Number of locations to report monitor as down | |
N/A | Notify when website content is modified (yes/no) Notify as:
| |
Check importance (High or Low) | User profile >> Alert Settings Choose notification mode:
…for alert severity:
| |
Who to alert? | User Alert Group | |
Consider down after:__ sec (e.g. 30 sec timeout) (response time) | Notify in case of read timeout (yes/no) Response receive timeout period is 30 seconds and it can’t be changed.
| |
When down, alert after (e.g. 2 mins) | Notification Profile >> Notification Delay When the status is: Down Trouble Critical …Notification Delay:
| |
Resend alert every | Notification Profile >> Persistent Alert Notify After Every: __th error | |
Customized message | ||
Alert when back up | Notification Profile >> Alert Configuration When the status is:
| |
Connect Integrations | Third-Party Integrations